You can download an app right to your iPhone or Blackberry to log local caches and start your treasure hunt. I usually recommend taking a grocery bag or two to pick up trash while you are in there. It's called, cache in - trash out, you have fun and clean up local parks while getting activity, another great bonus! Pick up some trinkets from the dollar store or items around the house you think people would find useful. Make up a cd with mixed music you think someone would enjoy, keychains, anything fun or interesting others might want to trade.
The reason geocaching is so great in my opinion is because not only are you doing something fun for the kids, but you are also teaching them that you can make a small difference by participating in "cache in, trash out" and how much fun it can be to be outdoors and away from the plugged in devices we all rely on for instant entertainment these days. I know we have plans to take the kids out on the next nice day for a refreshing round of treasure hunting and fun to kick off the summer!
totally couldn't agree more with your last paragraph! So want to try it this summer with the kids!